
You’ve just received the most gorgeous henna tattoo and you can’t imagine yourself without it! What can you do to keep it around longer? Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to rock your henna tattoo for as long as possible:

Step 1

Immediately after the henna paste has been applied by one of our artists, it will be wet to the touch, like a frosting, for the next 30-40 minutes. Depending on the surrounding temperature, it could take more or less time to dry.

  • Try your best NOT TO TOUCH OR BUMP the tattoo in any way for the first 30 minutes. Your henna tattoo may need additional time at colder events. It will smudge VERY EASILY. But fret not! If you’re still at the event where you received your henna tattoo, come back to our location as soon as possible to receive a touch up before it dries, free of charge!

Step 2

The fresh henna paste should be dry to the touch within 30-40 minutes!

  • By this time, the dry henna paste will begin to crack apart on your skin. The dried paste will begin to flake off of the skin, especially in places that move more than others, such as fingers, wrists, and other joints.

  • Leave the dry paste on for as long as possible; the longer it sits on your skin, the darker the stain will be. It’ll be similar to a sticker, at this point, and you’ll no longer need to baby it.

Step 3

Time to reveal the stain! It will be a very bright, orange color when the dry paste is first removed.

  • We recommend waiting at least two hours before removing the dry henna paste. When removing, brush off the remaining dry paste using dry fingers. DO NOT USE WATER when removing the paste. Immediately after removing, the stain will be a very bright, almost pale orange. Over time, your henna will begin to oxidize and darken.

Step 4

After 24-48 hours, your Henna will have fully oxidized into a medium-dark brown!

  • After a day or two, your henna tattoo will have developed into its darkest stain. This stain will last anywhere between 7-20 days! The length of time will depend on the area in which the tattoo is applied (hands fade the fastest) and how much the area is washed and touched.

  • The best way to make a henna tattoo last longer is no scrubbing when showering and lightly patting dry with a soft towel!